Your roof top actually goes through a whole lot every year that you don’t realize it goes through. Building materials of today can be resistant to many conditions, and we’re getting better at providing customers with ways to deal with problems that are common with building material degradation. But not all of us have the type of roof that resists things like mold, mildew, algae, hail, high winds, and storms.
While many of us enjoy our seasonal changes, our rooftops go through a lot during the year. As temperatures change, even from day to day, roofing materials do a lot of expanding and contracting with the warmth of the sun during the day and the coolness of the night time.
Even with those small factors, the roof shingles go through a lot of changes. Add to these normal shifts the problems created by snowfall, rainfall, harsh winds or storms, hail damage, ice damages, tree branches falling, or other damaging conditions and you’ll have a roof structure that needs to be replaced soon enough.
Roofing Damages
Roof damages don’t always come from the weather or from storm conditions like hail or flying debris. Sometimes a roof will rot sufficiently to need replacement years sooner than it should because of other factors like algae growth.
Algae live on asphalt shingles or other materials like wood. Asphalt shingles are made with limestone, which is a favorite food for algae. The algae can thrive on your rooftop and you not even realize it’s there. Commonly, it’s seen as a green or an orange or reddish/pink tinted stain, and only looks as if it needs to be cleaned off. Many people have algae growing on their roofs.
This substance loves the shaded, moist areas of rooftops. It thrives in the right conditions and can wreak havoc on your roofing materials. But unless you’re trained and know what to look for, you may not know it exists.
If your shingles have seen damages from mold, algae, storms, or general aging, it’s time to have them replaced. Getting rid of old shingles and replacing with new will ensure your home and all your belongings are safe from the environmental conditions.
Replacement Roofing
But before you can have roof replacement or need to replace your roof, a professional inspection should be done because you may not need an entire replacement. A professional will be able to spot any defective or damaged building materials and can do an assessment on what to expect from your roof and how long it’s estimated to last.
Problems like loose or missing nails can let in just enough moisture to cause the roofing to rot. Professionals can spot problems like this during the roofing inspection. If you believe you may have roofing problems or it’s been some time since you’ve had your roofing system evaluated or inspected, call and we’ll be able to give you much detailed information about your roofing condition and needs.
If you need help with your Roofing Problems in the Stevens Point area, please call Oakwood Exteriors 715-432-8202 or Schedule a Quote Now.
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