Ridge-Guard® ensures your roof ridge remains secure, deterring animal entry effectively. As ridge vents have become commonplace for regulating attic conditions, Ridge-Guard® stands out as a vital solution for maintaining your Stevens Point property's integrity. With the advent of ridge vents to protect shingles from overheating in the summer, and excess moisture build-up in the attic in the winter due to heat loss came the extra issues associated with a large vent opening across the entire ridge of the home. Ridge-Guard® provides an effective solution, safeguarding your Stevens Point residence from unwanted intruders while maintaining optimal attic conditions throughout the year.
Roof Ridge Vent Protection Keeps Pests Out Of Your Home
Standard plastic ridge-venting, as well as most other types of roof ridge vents, can be made secure from pests by the application of RIDGE-GUARD®. Protect your home from pests with RIDGE-GUARD®, a reliable roof ridge vent protection solution, and is patented by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Installing RIDGE-GUARD® on your roof ridge vent locks the vent down securely, which will prevent bats from crawling under the plastic or fiber roof ridge vent, as well as keep squirrels, mice, or rats from chewing their way into the attic.
Installing RIDGE-GUARD® on the ridge vent of your home not only protects against high wind damage to ridge caps but also safeguards your property from potential water damage during storms, and enhances the durability of your asphalt shingles. In instances of hurricanes or severe storms, strong winds can dislodge ridge cap shingles, leaving the ridge vent and attic susceptible to rain infiltration. RIDGE-GUARD® effectively secures the edges of the ridge cap, preventing lifting in high wind conditions and minimizing the risk of water intrusion into the home. Trust our experienced roofing contractors for Stevens Point to install RIDGE-GUARD® and enhance the protection of your property.
Ridge Guard is a post-roof installation solution. Oakwood Exteriors installs galvanized rodent-proof mesh during new roof installations so Ridge Guard isn’t required.

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Frequently Asked Ridge-Guard® Questions
Yes, RIDGE-GUARD® is designed to be compatible with most roofing systems and ridge vents. It can be customized to fit different roof configurations and sizes, ensuring effective pest protection for a wide range of homes.
No, RIDGE-GUARD® is specifically engineered to allow for proper roof ventilation while keeping pests out. Its mesh design maintains airflow through the ridge vent, ensuring optimal attic ventilation without compromising pest prevention.
The installation process for RIDGE-GUARD® involves securing the protective barrier along the ridge vent of the roof to prevent pests from entering the attic space. This typically entails fitting the durable mesh material over the ridge vent and fastening it securely in place. Roofing professionals ensure proper installation to effectively block access to pests while allowing for adequate ventilation.

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